Thursday, November 13, 2014

Khanka Lake - the Largest Freshwater Lake in Northeast Asia

Khanka Lake is a freshwater body located on the border between Heilongjiang Province and Russia. The area of the lake is 4,190 square kilometers of which 3,030 square kilometers are located in Russia, and 1,160 square kilometers in China. The lake supports high biodiversity (especially migratory birds) and is characterized by complex hydrology and naturally-occurring high turbidity, as well as a fragmented institutional authority responsible for its management. It is a remarkable site for nature protection, eco-tourism as well as scientific research (concerning bird migrations). Khanka Lake was once an inner lake in China. After the signing of Sino-Russia Convention of Peking in 1860, the lake became Sino-Russian Boundary Lake.
Khanka means the water flowing down from a higher to a lower place. Khanka Lake is composed of one large lake and one small one which are divided by a sandy hill. The trees on the hill are luxuriantly green and elegantly beautiful. The small lake is quiet and peaceful with fish swimming around and birds flying. Occasionally, there’re some sailboats traveling on the lake. The larger lake is with vastly mist-covered water and the boundless water seems blending with the sky. It was praised as the emerald of north China as its vigorous and boundless water. In 1996, Mr. Jiang Zemin, the Secretary General of China and Russian President Yeltsin subscribed the Sino-Russia Agreement on Khanka Lake Environmental Protection. Since then, Khanka Lake became a Nature Reserve protected by our government and Russian government.
Khanka Lake is beautiful around all years. In spring, Khanka Lake is a paradise for migrants. As it is the main route of migrant in the east, every spring, thousands of migrants fly past here, take a break and look for some food. In summer, the lake is a summer resort owing to the fantastic scenery. The lakeshore is a vast sand beach continuing hundreds of miles. Khanka Lake is also really colorful in autumn. Take an overlook from the top of a hill, green water, white clouds in the sky, red autumnal leaves and trees will come into your eyes immediately. On the sides of road leading to Khanka Lake, plump paddy lows down their hands in the farmland stretching to the horizon.
In summer, you can paddle in the lake and fight against the storming waves. You can enjoy the cool in the umbrage on the sandy hill; feel the wind breezing near your face; taste the delicious roasted fish while appreciate the wonderful scene which will make your mind suddenly enlightened. It will be a great experience if you could drive a boat floating on the lake, look over Bee Mountain and look down the plains and villages on the foot of mountain. All these euphoric view will make you seem to be in a dream. And in autumn you may encounter with Khanka spotted deer in the forests along the lake. The voice of deer, companied with the autumn wind, sounds melodious. In winter, Khanka Lake is covered by thick ice and looks like a silver kingdom. On the vast lake, ice covers with snows and expresses an extensive atmosphere. It is really a good place to go.

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